Night Club
What was the challenge?
More people are working nights than ever before – more than 8.7 million people now make up the hidden army of nighttime workers in the UK.
Night shift work is classified as ‘probably carcinogenic’ by the World Health Organisation and there is mounting evidence that it contributes to a number of serious health conditions – from heart disease and diabetes to mental health issues.
Insights from our Night Club programme at Guys St. Thomas’ Hospital. Partners: Impact on Urban Health
What did we do?
In 2018 we created Night Club, a transformational engagement programme that brings sleep researchers together with night shift workers and employers to create a better and healthier working experience.
Seed funded by the Wellcome Trust, and working in partnership with the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, at Oxford University, Night Club proved to be a highly effective tool in the workplaces of our founding partners, helping their night shift workers learn how to manage the impacts of night work on their mental and physical health… and Night Club grew from there.
Night Club has been successfully utilised by multiple major UK businesses and organisations including Co-op, John Lewis Partnership, Thames Water, Transport for London, the NHS and Veolia.
What has the impact been?
This award-winning programme has delivered significant change for workers and leadership within several commercial partners. New companies and funders are joining Night Club to create positive change for the forgotten shift.
Almost all night workers visiting the installation said they had learnt something new
Most said they would change their behaviour following Night Club
Indications of reductions in absenteeism and increased effectiveness in the workforce
The programme has led to improved staff engagement scores and organisational level practice change
Night Club has raised the profile of each brand involved through significant local and national media (inc. BBC, Financial Times and The Grocer), a health & wellbeing award for Co-op at the Personnel Awards, and via a presentation to UK Parliament
Find out more
To find out more about Night Club and what it could mean for you and your organisation, please visit our dedicated Night Club website, or email
“Translating the resources was fantastic and they struck a chord with the staff where a typical response was: ‘Yes that’s what happens to me!’”
“Feedback from Night Club has been terrific and work is now ongoing at our sites to embed and sustain these positive changes to highlight the lessons we’ve learnt that can then be spread across the Partnership’s much wider night shift community.”
“There is an urgent need for greater health education and practice change with respect to night workers in the UK.”
“This programme is one of the most innovative initiatives I’ve seen.”