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What was the challenge?

Selfridges’ Creative Direction team wanted to explore how their brand values are expressed in their styling outputs, and to engage teams to think creatively about how they deliver these outputs in their daily work.  


What did we do?

We designed a six-month internal learning and engagement programme that was both rigorous and fun and included working intensively with the senior team, before widening the programme across the department. Participants took part in multi-sensory workshops that used a range of stimuli and unique exercises to help build a tangible understanding of ‘what good looks like’. They have continued to develop and deepen their engagement through using resources that were created to extend the life and impact of the project internally.

We have also worked with the Sustainability team, designing a process to help a senior working group define a new strategic direction. We then used inventive methods to engage staff from the wider Selfridges Group with the sustainability message. At a two-day off-site experience, staff heard audio from inspiring speakers, created fictional products for the ‘sustainable store of the future’, took part in outdoor ‘land wisdom’ exercises and planned how to kick-start their own sustainability projects. 

I wanted to thank you for another fantastic workshop. It really has been a dream to work with you guys. I have heard nothing but positive comments about it. I have been particularly impressed by how well you understand the brand and have immersed the teams in its ingredients in such an easy to understand and enjoyable way. To have an external company that gets it so perfectly and yet doesn’t try to twist it into their own brand agenda is pretty amazing (and unique). Thank you.
— Emma Kidd, Head of Creative Direction, Selfridges

Experience, WorkshopSarah Douglas